While I don’t participate on Sphinn as much as I should, it’s an awesome site. I have already discovered some really useful blogs I was not aware of previously, and recently the author of one of them tagged me. Sebastian, like me and many of my readers, enjoys the deeply technical stuff. I highly recommend subscribing to his feed, as his topics are very entertaining and along the same lines as mine.
I am sure I would not have found Sebastian’s blog without Sphinn. With that thought in mind, let me share a few more useful blogs that Sphinn has turned me on to:
Ralph, aka Phantomaster. While I followed his blog a couple of years ago, he had stopped for awhile and it was only through Sphinn that I learned he was back. Ralph helps us see Google from a different angle—an angle they definitely don’t want us to see! Subscribe to his feed to find out what I mean.
Michael VanDeMar. I have to believe his FeedBurner counter must be broken: it says he has only 2 readers! I came across his blog when he was ranting about Rand’s post involving Aviva’s directory. He covers some really interesting and controversial stuff. Check out his blog and subscribe to his feed. Let’s move that FeedBurner counter up!
Greg Boser. I recently found his blog via a post asking Danny to include a Dumbass button! I have to say it is hard not to follow a link with such a title.Check him out (and subscribe to his feed while you’re at it!).
Dana Wallert
September 24, 2007 at 6:08 am
I haven't spent nearly enough time over there either, but just hanging out yesterday I found your blog and got to see these post in my reader this morning :)